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Cpim MP seeking govt intervention in killing spree in kashmir

Communist Party of India (Marxist) Rajyasabha MP Dr. V Sivadasan wrote a letter to Union Home Minister Amit sah seeking an immediate solution to the dire situation in Kashmir.The henious killings in JammuKashmir exposes the failures of the Union Government's policies.

The situation in Kashmir is extremely worrisome as innocent civilians are becoming victims of unabated targeted killings. Over 18 people have lost their lives in these heinous attacks unleashed by terrorists and the rest of populations fear for their lives. People from diverse walks of life, from woman artist Amreena Bhat to bank manager Vijay Kumar, people are being singled out and murdered in cold blood and their family members are also attacked.

The Kashmiri pundits are on the street demanding safety and security and many of them have expressed the fears that the situation in Kashmir is becoming is worse than in 1990s.They have even alleged that they are being held as hostages by the J&K administration and are locked inside.

The absence of a democratically-elected government and alienation of the administration from the people have made the situation worse. The present Jammu and Kashmir administration, appointed from above, has lost touch with the people over whom they exercise the delegated power. This has resulted in a paralysis of the administrative machinery and an alienated administration with no democratic mandate has proved its incapacity to understand and address the complex situation.

The failure to prevent these terrorist attacks reveals the failure of the measures adopted for dealing with the Kashmir issue. The Union government should immediately consult all the stakeholders and should take very urgent steps to ensure that the precious lives of innocent people are not lost in such heinous assaults.

The plight of Kashmir has been used as a tool of political propaganda and it has resulted in only worsening the conditions in Kashmir. The real issues on the ground are not addressed and not even understood. A legitimate and democratic government with strong ties with the people is the need of the hour in Kashmir. The Union government needs to act upon this urgently.

There is a need to ensure the right to life of the citizens of Kashmir and the government should take proactive steps to ensure that the lives and livelihoods of the people are protected.

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