Mandap has been made at a cost of 40 lakh rupees. The famous twin towers of Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, have come up in Kalyani, Nadia. The interest of visitors around this puja mandap is noticeable. Even before the start of the puja, the visitors began to flock. This puja mandap, which is more than 150 feet high, was crowded on Panchami night itself. As the evening of Shashti wore on, the crowd began to grow. On the evening of Shashti, the mandap was suddenly short-circuited. It rains on him.
As a result, the puja organizers closed the pavilion to avoid any accident. On the evening of Shashti, a short circuit suddenly occurred in the pavilion. It rained in stages. Puja organizers closed the pavilion to avoid any accident.