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Joseph Stalin: A True Communist and Great Leader of the Soviet Union

Joseph Stalin: A True Communist and Great Leader of the Soviet Union

Photo by OpenClipart-Vectors on Pixabay

You may not have heard much about Joseph Stalin, especially if you are living in the Western world. However, he is one of the most significant figures in all of human history.

In 1903, a secret printing press of the Caucasian Union Committee of the Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party was established on Stalin's initiative. The printing press established in Tiflis was in operation till 1906. Lenin's "To the Rural Poor", Revolutionary Democratic Dictatorship of the Proletariat and Peasants" and Stalin's "Brief Dissensions in the Party" and several other books were printed in this press. A strike of Baku workers took place in December 1904, led by Stalin. The strike lasted from 13 to 31 December. In the history of the Bolshevik Party it is written: "This strike was like a shout heralding the arrival of a great revolutionary storm in Russia." In his pamphlet 'Brief Dissensions in the Party' written in early 1905, Stalin wrote: The labor movement must be linked with socialism. Theoretical thinking should be mixed with practical activities. And thus the spontaneous labor movement must be shaped into a social-democratic character. Stalin's work has direct parallels with Lenin's historical work "Ki Karite Shall". In Stalin's essays titled 'Anarchism or Socialism' written in Georgian in 1906 and 1907, Stalin theoretically discussed the sources of Marxist dialectical and historical materialism. It is one of the most valuable theoretical works of Stalin.

Between 1902 and 1913, Stalin was arrested seven times and sent into exile six times.  Five times he escaped from exile.

 There were many obstacles in the path of socialist formation.  The Bolshevik Party faced strong opposition from anti-Leninists.  Under the leadership of Stalin, the Bolshevik Party had to engage in intense and long-lasting theoretical battles with famous theorists and scholars like Trotsky, Zinoviev, Bukharin.  It is a big task to start the work of the party and the government on the right lines by fighting theoretically against these famous and established leaders.  There were many points of contention with the opposing parties.  Notable among them are: building socialism in a single country etc.  In this intense ideological conflict Stalin once again demonstrated his genius as the greatest Marxist-Leninist of the time.

Stalin is the name of a great statesman, he built the world's first socialist state, the Soviet Union, on a very strong foundation, built the socialist camp against the capitalist camp, and above all, turned the Soviet Union into one of the world's two superpowers. Another claim by his admirers is that he played a major role in the defeat of fascism in World War II.

He was a true communist and the leader of the Soviet Union. When we talk about a leader, we think of someone who inspires others to be more productive, optimistic, and dedicated. Many people nowadays would likely not agree with his methods but he was extremely influential in shaping modern society and politics. Too many people overlook Stalin’s achievements as he led his country through some very difficult times. His rule as Soviet Premier from 1922 to 1953 marked the peak of Bolshevik success in Russia—and probably everywhere else, too—and it also marked the apex of their power in Russia itself. He is revered for his role as an innovator and tactician who transformed the Soviet Union from a backward autocracy into a global superpower, almost overnight.

Under his leadership and with his guidance, millions of people were liberated from poverty, child mortality rates were cut by over half and life expectancy rose by almost 20 years (on average). The legacy that he left behind is still felt today without him being around to enjoy it himself anymore.

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