On Friday, the tragic news of 26-year-old woman cricketer of Odisha, Rajashree Swain, being found hanging from a tree in a dense forest in Cuttack district shook the nation. This incident has once again highlighted the issue of gender inequality and lack of opportunities for women in sports. Rajashree Swain was an inspiration to many young girls who wanted to pursue their dreams in sports. Her untimely death has sparked outrage and sadness among her family members, friends and fans.
We must take this as an opportunity to bring about change and ensure that no other woman cricketer has to suffer such a fate ever again. .In the last few weeks, a number of women have died in India due to gender-based violence. The government must make a special effort to address this issue. and create a safe environment for the women.
A female cricketer, Rajashree Swain was found hanging from a tree in Cuttack district on Friday morning. She was 26 years old, married and had no children. Her death has once again brought to light the issue of gender inequality and lack of opportunities for women in sports.
The alarming fact is that she is not alone as 21-year-old Indian student Asmita Patra died after being raped by her landlord in Dimapur on Tuesday night while she studied at Northeast University College in Meghalaya's capital city.