It is with great sadness that we report the untimely passing of Nandamuri Taraka Ratna, the popular Telugu actor, at the age of 39. He was reported to have been suffering from an illness for some time, and succumbed to the illness on Wednesday, May 5th.
Ratna was best known for his performances in several Telugu films such as Simha, Jagadam, and Adurs. He was also a well-known political activist who was involved in several social and humanitarian causes.
His fans, friends, and family are understandably grief-stricken and have taken to social media to express their sorrow and shock at the news. Ratna was a beloved figure in the Telugu film and political industries, and his death has left a huge gap in those communities.
Ratna will be remembered for his work and humanitarianism, but his passing will be a great loss to the people of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him and all who were influenced by his work.