Indian table tennis players Sutirtha Mukherjee and Ayhika Mukherjee on Monday won India's first-ever bronze medal in women's doubles table tennis event in the history of Asian Games. The duo bagged bronze after losing 11-7, 8-11, 11-7, 8-11, 9-11, 11-5, 2-11 to North Korea's Cha Suyong and Pak Sugyong in the semi-final at the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, China.
This is a historic moment for Indian table tennis, as Sutirtha and Ayhika have broken new ground by winning the country's first-ever medal in the women's doubles event at the Asian Games. Their performance is a testament to their hard work and dedication, and it is sure to inspire future generations of Indian table tennis players.
Sutirtha and Ayhika's bronze medal is also a significant achievement for Indian sport as a whole. It shows that India is capable of competing at the highest level in a wide range of sports, and it is sure to motivate other Indian athletes to strive for excellence.
Congratulations to Sutirtha and Ayhika on their historic achievement!