The Tokyo gubernatorial election, scheduled for July 7, is garnering nationwide attention. Renho, an independent candidate supported by a broad coalition including citizens, the Communist Party, the CDP, the SDP, Seikatsusha Net, the Green Party, and the New Social Party, recently shared her campaign vision in an interview with former JFBA president Utsunomiya Kenji.
During the interview, Renho explained her motivation for running: "After serving as a member of the House of Councillors for 20 years, I feel the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and the government are more disconnected from the public's concerns about 'politics and money' than ever before. My experiences questioning Prime Minister Kishida and debating with former LDP Secretary-General Seko highlighted just how out of touch they are with the people’s sense of things."
Renho emphasized her commitment to administrative reform and representing taxpayers’ interests. She recounted her campaign experiences in Shimane's 1st District during the third House of Representatives by-election, where she encountered widespread anger towards the Liberal Democratic Party. "This moment felt right for change," she said. "Many colleagues encouraged me to take on this challenge. I aim to bring the voices of Tokyo's citizens into the city's politics and demonstrate to Prime Minister Kishida and others who have remained silent about secret funds that 'this is the voice of the people.'"
Utsunomiya Kenji, highlighting his concerns about the current administration, remarked, "Koike's administration has no support for the poor." The interview underscored the stark differences in vision and priorities between Renho and the incumbent governor.
As the election approaches, Renho's campaign is poised to bring significant discussions on governance and public accountability to the forefront of Tokyo politics.