Durgapur, once renowned as an industrial hub, has now garnered an unwelcome title: one of India's most polluted cities. With an Air Quality Index (AQI) soaring to 352, it has surpassed even Delhi's notorious pollution levels by a staggering 215 points. Residents of the city are grappling with an environment likened to a gas chamber.
The alarming AQI indicates the presence of hazardous particulate matter and pollutants, posing serious health risks, particularly for children, the elderly, and those with respiratory issues. The situation is exacerbated by industrial emissions, vehicular pollution, and poor air quality management.
Citizens are calling for urgent intervention from local authorities, demanding stricter pollution controls and immediate measures to improve air quality. Until then, the residents of Durgapur continue to live under a toxic haze, battling the severe impacts of air pollution.