Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh – A tragic stampede near the Vaikuntha Dwar Darshan ticket counters at the renowned Tirupati Balaji Temple on Wednesday led to the death of four devotees, leaving over 150 others injured. The incident occurred amidst a rush of devotees eager to secure tickets for the special darshan during the Vaikuntha Ekadashi festivities.
Eyewitnesses reported a sudden surge in the crowd, causing panic and chaos, with several devotees fainting in the commotion. Emergency services were rushed to the scene, and the injured were transported to nearby hospitals for medical treatment.
The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) authorities have expressed deep sorrow over the incident and assured support to the families of the deceased and injured. An inquiry has been ordered to investigate the cause of the stampede and identify lapses in crowd management.
This tragic incident serves as a grim reminder of the challenges in managing large gatherings at religious events.